iphone applocker
iphone applocker

AppLockercanpasswordprotectindividualappsonyourMac.It'seasytouseandthereisabsolutelynoconfigurationrequired.JuststartAppLocker,adda ...,Requirements.AppLockeriswritteninSwift3.iOS8.0+Required;Installation.JustmovetheSourcefoldertoyourproject;Coco...

AppLocker • Passcode lock apps iOS App

WithAppLockeryoucanpasswordprotectindividualappsonyouriPhoneandiPad.Itcanalsocompletelyhideappsandonewillknowthattheapplicationsare ...

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App Store 上的《AppLocker • Passcode lock apps》

AppLocker can password protect individual apps on your Mac. It's easy to use and there is absolutely no configuration required. Just start AppLocker, add a ...


Requirements. AppLocker is written in Swift 3. iOS 8.0+ Required ; Installation. Just move the Source folder to your project ; CocoaPods. pod 'AppLocker'. For iOS ...

AppLocker • Passcode lock apps iOS App

With AppLocker you can password protect individual apps on your iPhone and iPad. It can also completely hide apps and one will know that the applications are ...

AppLocker • Passcode lock apps on the App Store

Just start AppLocker, add a password and select the apps you want to keep private. It also supports Touch ID, Bluetooth ID, Network ID (unlock apps with your ...

How To Lock Apps On iPhone With A Password Or TouchID?

7 天前 — The best way is to install third-party apps such as BioProtect, Locktopus, and AppLocker. These apps are only supported on Jailbroken iPhones.

How to lock apps on iPhone with a password, Face ID, or ...

2023年10月6日 — How can I lock an app on iPhone using Face ID or Touch ID? · Go to Settings and tap Face ID & Passcode. · Enter your passcode to proceed. · At the ...

How to Lock Apps on Your iPhone With a Passcode

With AppLocker, you only need to add a passcode and choose the apps you wish to protect. The application allows you to lock any app on your iPhone, including ...

What is the best applock for iPhone?

2017年10月23日 — Well, you got a few solid options: UnlockMaker, SafeUnlocks, LockedToOwner, and iUnlock App. Let me break it down real quick.


AppLockercanpasswordprotectindividualappsonyourMac.It'seasytouseandthereisabsolutelynoconfigurationrequired.JuststartAppLocker,adda ...,Requirements.AppLockeriswritteninSwift3.iOS8.0+Required;Installation.JustmovetheSourcefoldertoyourproject;CocoaPods.pod'AppLocker'.ForiOS ...,WithAppLockeryoucanpasswordprotectindividualappsonyouriPhoneandiPad.Itcanalsocompletelyhideappsandonewillknowthattheap...